Storytime Resources Website: Songs and Stories

The "Themed Storytimes" Page consists of songs, lap bounces, fingerplays, and activity songs with props that fit a certain theme. For recommendations on toddler and picture books for storytimes, please refer to the Personal Shelf Page of this website.

Songs Fingerplays Lap Bounces Activity Songs With Props

Here Is the Beehive Rhyme: Animal Theme

Here is the beehive (hold left hand into fist)
But where are the bees? (Wave right hand in the air)
Hidden away where nobody sees (Take right hand and place on fist)
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive (keep right hand on fist)
One, two, three, four, five (as you increase the numbers, take fingers out of the fist and display them)
They’re alive! (Wiggle the fingers)
Bzzzzzzzzzz (wave and wiggle fingers all around and can give child a tickle)

Slowly, Slowly: Animal Theme

Slowly, slowly, very slowly creeps the garden snail (with fist and thumb sticking out up the arm)
Slowly, slowly, very slowly up the garden rail
Quickly, quickly, very quickly runs the little mouse (with fingers up the arm)
Quickly, quickly, very quickly to his little house

Up A Hill: Animal Theme

Here goes a turtle up a hill
Creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy (tickle fingers lowly up the arm)
Here goes a rabbit up a hill
Boing, boing, boing, boing (bounce fingers up the arm)
Here goes a snake up a hill
Slither, slither, slither, slither (slide hand up the arm)
Here goes an elephant up a hill
Thud, thud, thud, thud (gently push hand up and down with each thud)
Here comes an elephant down a hill
Boom, boom, boom, boom, CRASH (roll hand down arm and clap)

Going On a Treasure Hunt: Body Parts Theme

Going on a treasure hunt X marks the spot
Big circle, little circle dot, dot, dot
Little snakes climb up your back, bite, bite, bite
Little spiders crawl up your back, bite, bite, bite
Cool breeze, tight squeeze
Now you've got the shivers.

This Is My Garden: Body Parts Theme

This is my garden (Extend one hand forward, palm up)
I'll rake it with care, (Make raking motion on palm with 3 fingers of other hand)
And then some flower seeds (Plant motion)
I'll plant in there.
The sun will shine (Make circle with hands)
And the rain will fall, (Let fingers flutter down to lap)
And my garden will blossom (Cup hands together; extend upward slowly)
And grow straight and tall.

Eyes, Nose, Cheeky Chin: Body Parts Theme

Eyes, nose, cheeky cheeky chin
Eyes, nose, cheeky cheeky chin
Eyes, nose, cheeky cheeky chin
Cheeky cheeky chin, eyes, and nose.

I Saw a Ghsot: Monsters Theme

I saw a ghost (fingers circle eyes)
He saw me too (point to yourself)
I waved at him (wave your hand)
But he said, “Boo!” (try to scare the person next to you)
Round #2: “I smiled at him, But he said boo!” (smile, then boo)
Round #3: “I tried to high five him, But he said boo!” (try to high five, then boo)