Photography Portfolio

photo of penelope taylor

About the Artist

My name is Penelope Taylor and this is my photography portfolio! I have a long history of taking photos but I didn’t start viewing it as an art form until I got a camera form my birthday and moved away from taking photos with my phone (not that I don’t still take photos with my phone, I do! You’ll see some in this portfolio). To me, my photography is about appreciating the world around us and taking the time to enjoy and remember the little things.

Most of my photos are of nature because that’s what brings me joy. Photography helps me take a moment to really appreciate and enjoy the beauty of the world around me - even if I’m looking at it through the lens of a camera! Taking photos also has helped me get outside more. On a nice day I will take my camera with me on a walk and take pictures with reckless abandon.

I was born and raised in Massachusetts and most of my photos are from the places I have lived or visit regularly. Thus, you’ll see a lot of photos from Mount Holyoke College, where I received my undergraduate degree, or Florida, where my grandmother lives. There are also photos from trips that I’ve taken.

If you love the photos on this website, please consider checking out my instagram, @residentghostdesigns!