Make sure to review the notes from class posted above in the notes section.
You should have a copy of the text files, downloaded from Vol. 2, grabiner/comm244 folder, in class.
Use the following criteria for your markup.
You may mark up all of the pages in the Good Food website for additional credit.
Here is a page with links to show you what your Good Food website should look like when you're done.
If you are still a little bit fuzzy about absolute and relative URLs, work through the exercises from chapter 6 of the textbook (6-1 – 6-8).
For next week bring in the URL of a web site you think is designed particularly well. Be prepared to talk about its strengths and weaknesses!!
Read the following article by Robert Nyman (you can skip the comments):
Write a post about what you learned. What is semantic markup? Why should we use it? What, if anything, does this have to do with Section 508 (page 41 of Learning Web Design)?