Comm 333 Web Design II

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Week 6 2.28


Class Exercises

Smooth Scrolling

Practice creating a responsive menu system using a simple show/hide toggle.



Read for week 7:


Finish you Single Page Story

The final version of your single page story will be due next class on March 14. See the project page for complete details.

Final Airbnb Page

Your final Airbnb page will be due next class on March 14.

Finalize your Airbnb page. Create a copy of your current Airbnb page and call it airbnb-final.html. Use this page to create your final version.

  • All layout sections should be complete and in the right order.
  • The header should be complete as done in our class demo
  • Use FontAwesome to add icons
  • Make sure the footer is properly laid out with 4 columns (1 for form inputs and three for navigation)
  • If your page is already done using floats for layout, that is acceptable. Otherwise, try completing the assignment using flexbox.
  • All content should be as close as possible to the look of the original page. This includes typefaces, font size, colors, spacing, links, and general layout.