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Genshin Impact Dungeons and Dragons Guide

Everything you need to make your own Genshin Impact D&D homebrew!

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These spells are adapted from the elemental talent and skills that characters possess in the video game, but the mechanics follow those of 5e. Players are given access to certain spells based on the vision they chose (for example, pyro vision wielders can use pyro spells). The number of spell slots a player has access to based on their level has stayed the same.

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  • Spirit Soother

    Commands a blazing spirit, meant to strike an enemy. When targeted, enemy must perform a DEX save to avoid burning application. Deals 1d4 damage.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: 5 minutes
    Range: 20ft
    Effect: Pyro Application

  • Seering Onslaught

    You hurl a slash of fire at a creature or object within range, dealing 1d10 fire damage.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: Instant
    Range: 120ft
    Effect: Pyro Application


  • Raincutter Evocation

    Using the power of water to take any shape, player conjures twin hydro swords. Can hit up to 2 opponents. Successful roll deals 2d6 hydro damage per sword.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: 1 minute
    Range: 30ft
    Effect: Hydro Application

  • Stellaris Phantasm

    Summons waves and traps opponents in an illusory pocket of destiny, dealing 4d6 hydro damage. Opponents must make an Intelligence saving throw.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: Instant
    Range: 150ft
    Effect: Hydro Application
    Saving Throw: INT


  • Floral Brush

    Summons through seeds a floral ring that can be thrown like a boomerang. Deals 1d10 dendro damage unless enemy rolls successful DEX save, then half.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: 1 minute
    Range: 50ft
    Effect: Dendro Application

  • Akara

    Spray a poison gas towards opponent, dealing 1d12 posion damage unless opponent makes constitution saving throw.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: Instant
    Range: 10ft
    Effect: Dendro Application
    Saving Throw: CON


  • Starshatter

    Casts and disperses three gems generated from geo energy in the ground. Deals 1d6 geo bludgeoning damage per gem.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: 1 minute
    Range: 50ft

  • Jade Screen

    Creates a shielding jade screen out of gold, dealing 2d8 bludgeoning damage upon summoning.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: Instant
    Range: 15ft


  • Violet Arc

    Calls down lightning from the heavens, striking nearby opponents and inflicting electro damage. Can target up to 3 enemies, dealing 2d10 electro damage per target.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: 1 round
    Range: 30ft
    Effect: Electro Application


  • Trail of the Qilin

    Summons an ice lotus that taunts enemies. Deals cryo damage upon summoning and can continue to distract enemies for 2 rounds. Enemies must roll CON save or enter a distracted state and roll attack at disadvantage. Successful saves allow enemy to move away from lotus and avoid distraction. At the end of the second round, lotus will burst and deal AoE cryo damage up on nearby enemies.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: 2 rounds
    Range: 40ft

  • Kamisato Art: Hyouka

    Launches blooming ice towards enemies, dealing 10d6 cryo damage.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: Instant
    Range: 60ft
    Effect: Cryo Application


  • Chihayaburu

    Pulls in any enemy within 30ft and unleashes a formidable gust of wind against opponents, dealing anemo damage.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: 1 minute
    Range: 30ft
    Effect: Anemo application for 2 rounds

  • Astable Anemohypostasis Creation - 6308

    Summons a wind spirit that deals 1d10 anemo damage among dearby enemies.

    Time: 1 action
    Duration: Instant
    Range: 120ft