Puerto Ricans' reactions to the toppling of the Ponce de León statue were varied. Social media became the main way in which people expressed their views on the event, and in particular, the way people made light of the toppling via memes and humorous posts. Here is a short list of Facebook posts related to the toppling of the statue. Note:I have cited the specific page where I found the post; in the case of memes, this might not be the same person as the creator of the meme.
Boricuazo. (24 Jan 2022). Hoy los puertorriqueños nos despertamos con la noticia de que habían derrumbado la antigua estatua de Juan Ponce de León ubicada en la Plaza San José del Viejo San Juan. ¿conoces su historia? Deborah Martorell. (24 Jan 2022). Finalmente logran reinstalar la estatua de Juan Ponce de León en la Plaza San José. Página que te avisa cuando llegue el Estadity. (24 Jan 2022). Asi no se puede pedir la Estdidad. Bad Bohni es comunista. (Original post by PR Memes).