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Social Media


Puerto Ricans' reactions to the toppling of the Ponce de León statue were varied. Social media became the main way in which people expressed their views on the event, and in particular, the way people made light of the toppling via memes and humorous posts. Here is a short list of Twitter posts related to the toppling of the statue.

@bgraulau. (24 Jan 2022). "The statue of Spanish colonizer Juan Ponce de León in San Juan is destroyed on the same day the King of Spain is scheduled to visit Puerto Rico."" @Alastor. (24 Jan 2022). "Puerto Rico es un chiste..." @Alastor. (24 Jan 2022). "Se ve cuando tumban la estatua pero no la tablilla."
@SuperNes64PR. (24 Jan 2022). "Haciendo patria" (Warning: Strong Language) @j10o2s6e. (24 Jan 2022). Meme: Woman with car tags on forehead on the statue's pedestal. (Original shared in PR Memes) @g_laborde. (24 Jan 2022). ¿En que carajos contribuye al conocimiento la estatua de Ponce de León?" (Warning: Strong Language) @FortunoBernier. (24 Jan 2022). "Vil acto anti-diáspora tumbar la estatua del primer puertorriqueño en mudarse a la Florida."