LIS 415: Information Organization

Unit 2: Environments and their Tools

Topic Areas: Various information institutions/settings and the tools that have been developed for them are described and examined. Retrieval Tools include catalogs, indexes, finding aids, bibliographies, museum registers and databases, bibliographic utilities, and search engines

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify how online public access catalogs respond to search queries based on differences in individual search techniques and the capabilities of various systems.
  • Describe how systems for information organization impact information retrieval tools and vice versa.

Guiding Questions:

  • Why do we need retrieval tools?
  • What are the basic retrieval tools?
  • What are the functions of the retrieval tools?
  • How does system design relate to organizing information?

Required Readings

Joudrey & Taylor, The Organization of Information, Chapters 3 & 4

Flood, "Extraordinary 500-year-old library catalogue reveals books lost to time" [in Moodle]

Meissner, Arranging & Describing Archives and Manuscripts, Chapter 1

Svrluga "4 million cards. 4,000 drawers..." [in Moodle]


Relevant Articles from The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science


Butterfield, "Online Public Access Catalogs (OPACs)"

Chung and Irwin, "Archival Finding Aids"

German, "Bibliographic Utilities"

Hanson and Daily, "Catalogs and Cataloging: History [ELIS Classic]"

Hock, "Search Engines"

Jordan, "OCLC"

Moen, "Information Retrieval Protocols: Z39.50 and Search & Retrieve via URL"

Toms, "User-Centered Design"

Recommended Readings

Articles & Web Resources

Bates (Ed.), Understanding Information Retrieval Systems (link to e-book. There are lots of good articles about retrieval tools and their various components in this e-book!)

Borgman, "Why are Online Catalogs Still Hard to Use?" (link to classic article)

Breeding, "Library Technology Guides"

Hickey, "Why Our Catalogs Don't Work"

Kumar, "From Clay Tablets to Web: Journey of Library Catalogue"

Markey, "Online Library Catalog: Paradise Lost ... "

Salo, "The Humble Index"

Recommended Readings

Books at Beatley

BilalLibrary Automation, Chapter 1

Cleveland & Cleveland, Introduction to Indexing

Millar, Archives: Principles and Practices, Chapter 11

Cutter, Rules for a Dictionary Catalog

Reibel, Registration Methods for the Small Museum (link to e-book), Chapters 5 & 6

Course Outline

  • Unit 1: Introduction to Information Organization
  • Unit 2: Environments and their Tools
  • Unit 3: Introduction to Metadata
  • Unit 4: Encoding
  • Unit 5: Description
  • Unit 6: Access & Authority Control
  • Unit 7: Aboutness & Subject Analysis
  • Unit 8: Vocabulary Control
  • Unit 9: Categorization, Classification, & Arrangement

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