LIS 415: Information Organization

Unit 4: Encoding Standards

Topic Areas: Ways in which surrogate records can be encoded for computer-readability are explored. Includes MARC, SGML, and XML.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify why we code records for machine manipulation.
  • Describe how we code records for machine manipulation.

Guiding Questions:

  • Why and how do we code records for machine manipulation?
  • Why is encoding standardized?
  • Will BIBFRAME, XML, or some other encoding system replace MARC in library catalogs?
  • What's wrong with MARC?

Required Readings

Joudrey & Taylor, The Organization of Information, Chapter 6; view Appendices D & E

Library of Congress, "Bibliographic Framework as a Web of Data"

Tennant, "MARC Must Die"

Read one of the following:

Relevant Articles from The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science


Aliprand, "Unicode Standard"

Avram, "Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC): 1961-1974 [ELIS Classic]"

Clarke, "Extensible Markup Language (XML)"

McCallum, "Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC): 1975-2007"

Pitti and Rush, "Encoded Archival Description (EAD)"

Salminen, "Markup Languages"

Wusteman, "Document Type Definition (DTD)"

Recommended Readings

Web Resources

Encoded Archival Description (EAD)

Furrie, "Understanding MARC"

Joudrey, "A Very Brief Review of the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format"

Library of Congress. "Bibliographic Framework Initiative"

Library of Congress. "MARC in XML"

Morgan, XML in Libraries Workshop

OCLC, "Bibliographic Formats and Standards"

<Text Encoding Initiative>

Recommended Readings

Books at Beatley

Joudrey, Introduction to Cataloging & Classification, Chapters 21 & 22

Zeng, Metadata, Chapter 5

Course Outline

  • Unit 1: Introduction to Information Organization
  • Unit 2: Environments and their Tools
  • Unit 3: Introduction to Metadata
  • Unit 4: Encoding
  • Unit 5: Description
  • Unit 6: Access & Authority Control
  • Unit 7: Aboutness & Subject Analysis
  • Unit 8: Vocabulary Control
  • Unit 9: Categorization, Classification, & Arrangement

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