LIS 415: Information Organization

Unit 3: Introduction to Metadata

Topic Areas: The unit is an introduction to metadata concepts, various types of metadata, and tools to create, use, and maintain metadata. Includes descriptive, administrative, structural, preservation, and meta-metadata.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the meaning of metadata, its components, and characteristics.
  • Define different types of metadata standards and their roles.

Guiding Questions:

  • What is meant by metadata?
  • What are the different types of metadata?
  • What purposes do these different types of metadata serve?
  • How are different types of metadata implemented?

Required Readings

Joudrey & Taylor, The Organization of Information, Chapter 5

Riley, Understanding Metadata

One of the following:

Banerjee, "The Linked Data Myth"


EARLY WARNING ALERT: Start reading the following for Week 5:

IFLA, Library Reference Model

Relevant Articles from Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science

Gibbins and Shadbolt, "RDF"

Greenberg, "Metadata and Digital Information"

Myntti, "Linked Data"

Zeng and Chan, "Semantic Interoperability"

Recommended Readings


Cantara, "METS"

Cundiff, "An Introduction to METS" (link to article)

Havens and Storey, "Metadata Everywhere."

Recommended Readings

Web Resources

Elings and Waibel, "Metadata for All"

Baca (ed.), Introduction to Metadata

Heery and Patel, "Application Profiles"

Miller, "Metadata Resources"

St.Pierre and LaPlant, "We Used to Call It Publishing: Issues in Crosswalking"

Swoger, "What is Metadata?: A Christmas themed exploration."

Recommended Readings

Books at Beatley

GartnerMetadata in the Digital Library: Building an Integrated Strategy with XML, Chapter 2 and Chapter 6

Joudrey, Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, 11th edition, Chapter 3, p. 61-101

Miller, Metadata for digital collections

Mitchell, Metadata Standards and Web Services in Libraries, Archives, and Museums

Zeng, Metadata, Chapters 1-2

Select metadata schemes, models, tools, and sites

CIDOC-Conceptual Reference Model,

Crosswalk examples:

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative,

IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM),, "Introducing Linked Data And The Semantic Web"

METS: Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard,

PREMIS: Preservation Metadata Maintenance Activity,


Tauberer, "What is RDF?"

W3C, "Metadata Actvity Statement" explanation of RDF

W3C, Semantic Web FAQ

Course Outline

  • Unit 1: Introduction to Information Organization
  • Unit 2: Environments and their Tools
  • Unit 3: Introduction to Metadata
  • Unit 4: Encoding
  • Unit 5: Description
  • Unit 6: Access & Authority Control
  • Unit 7: Aboutness & Subject Analysis
  • Unit 8: Vocabulary Control
  • Unit 9: Categorization, Classification, & Arrangement

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