Dr. Chen has been a leader in the international area
for many years. Aside from her role as a keynote and
invited speaker in over 35 countries at countless major
international conferences in both library and non-library
fields, she has been a consultant to many international
and national organizations such as UNESCO,WHO,
World Bank,USIA, and the Soros
During September and October 1992, as a consultant to
Mr. George Soros, on a regional program on new information
technology, she travelled to 9 eastern European Countries.
In addition, she is the Chief Conference Organizer
of a series of non-profit International Conferences
on New Information Technology (NIT)
for librarians,
information professionals, and educational
specialists. NIT is devoted to bring library and information
professionals from both developing and developed
countries together. This series of conferences started in
1987 in Bangkok, Thailand. Since then, 7
more conference
have been held in Singapore (1989), Guadalajara,
Mexico (1990), Budapest (1991), Hong Kong (1992),
Puerto Rico (1993), Alexandria, VA (1994), and Riga,
Latvia (1995). They have been partially supported by
the US National Commission of Library and Information
Science (NCLIS). NIT'96 will be held in
South Africa. This series of conferences have been
instrumental in many new developments in the developing
countries, and have resulted in a powerful informal network
of over 2,000 NIT participants from 30 some countries.
Proceedings of these conference
have been published
in both printed and electronic (NIT-CD-
ROM) formats.
A ground breaking volume on the Planning of
the Global Information Infrastructure is a book
resulted from NIT '94, and has been published by
Ablex in 1995. This reflects her commitment to
globaly internetworking. In 1995, Microcomputers for
Information Management(MIM), a journal started
by her and for which she has been the Editor-in-Chief
since the beginning in 1983, also placed more emphasis
on this topic and added a subtitle, Global Internetworking
for Libraries. MIM is a quarterly international journal
published by Ablex.
Finally, it should be noted that Dr. Chen has
contributed greatly to the international activities of
many professional organizations as well. She is a
constant speaker of IFLA
and FID. She has also
offered almost 30 training institutes and
all over the world, many of which were sponsored by
professional associations, such as her workshops for
FID in Finland (1988) and Cuba (1990).
She also
conducted major survey on the use of optical-based
products in Western European libraries for FID (1990-91).
She was the co-founder of SIG/III (International
Information Issues) of ASIS, and has been active in
different roles on committees/subcommittees of ALA
and ASIS related to international matters. She is an
active member of ALA/IRRT, and was Chair of the
Subcommittee on China under ALA/International
Relations Committee. Under her leadership, the
Subcommittee started discussions and plans for
the first US-China Joint Conference in conjunction
with IFLA 1996 in Beijing.
Ching-chih Chen's Invited Speeches and Papers
around the World

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